Tag-Archive for ◊ Root Prune ◊

• Monday, May 21st, 2007

The amazing thing about ficus is the ability to root prune them drastically and they won’t even slow their growth at all. As you can see I took about 80% of the roots.

Don’t let the foliage fool you, it is only changing out last years foliage for new growth for this year. It will fill in just a couple of weeks. Notice how much better it sits in the pot now. This tree has been an absolute joy to grow and develop. In the next few weeks I hope to really capture a great picture of it. May 2007

Category: Ficus Nerafolia | Tags: , , Comments off
• Sunday, March 21st, 2004

Spring has arrived in Orlando. This tree looks better every year. I just love the bright green color of the new growth. March 2004

In February of 2005 I won a $50 gift certificate from Dallas Bonsai for a photo contest that they hold quarterly.