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• Monday, September 21st, 2009

I have been working on this tree for over 7 years now, and frankly have become rather bored with it.  I seemed top heavy most of the deadwood was covered.  So this weekend I had the opportunity to partcipate in a Mary Madison workshop  Since she is the person I bought the tree from in the first place I couldn’t think of a better source for changing the tree style.

Mary Madison

Mary Madison

I didn’t think the tree could be changed all that much because it had been pretty developed in the shape that is was for years.  However I would have let Mary do whatever she wanted to my tree, she’s not called the Buttonwood Queen for nothing.

Mary Madison styling

Mary Madison styling

After a quick history of my tree Mary was actually able to recall collecting the tree years ago.  She didn’t waste anytime making suggestions and pointing out positive aspects of the tree.

Buttonwood after styling

Buttonwood after styling

At times the slightest of changes can make a big difference.  removing the first left branch did everything that I wanted the tree to be.  It now does not look top heavy, more deadwood shows and the entire look of the tree looks better.

• Tuesday, August 04th, 2009

Sometimes it’s more challanging to decide on how to style a tree, however there are times when the tree just tells you how it should be styled.  I have done pretty much nothing so far to this bald cypress, and yet it shows every indication of a weeping informal upright.  The huge base of the tree is softened by the low handing branches which bring the whole tree together.

Weeping Informal Upright Style

Weeping Informal Upright Style

The plan going foward it of course wait for it to go dormant, carve the trunk, repot it into a smaller pot, and then do the initial style wiring.  I’m really pretty execited about seeing this one in a few more months.

• Thursday, April 09th, 2009

The Trident maple has begun to fill in but as you remember I opened this tree up pretty well.  So I have a lot of bare areas that need to fill in.  Also I broke the first main branch as I was trying to bend it, so now I need to develop a new one.  This tree really needs a lot of work, but I think it will come along quickly.

Trident Maple just leafed out

Trident Maple just leafed out

Category: Emperor Bonsai | Tags: , , Comments off
• Saturday, February 21st, 2009
I have had this tree for years, and knew that there were things about it that bothered me.  However I just never did anything about them, and over time I got used to it.  Recently I took this tree to my local club for a critique.  If you haven’t done this, you’re missing out.  They are a great opportunity to get opinions from other members on how to improve your collection.

As I put the tree in the front of the membership I pointed out the large root in the back of the trunk and the low left branch.  Before I knew it, Mike Rogers had grabbed a saw and removed them in full agreement.  It changed the look of the tree immediately for the better. 

Removed branches

Here is the tree after the branch and root had been removed.  You can see the hole it left in the canapy to the right of the trunk, but the lower left branch is not even missed.

Trunk Line close up

The trunk line is now more simple, and the scars will cover quickly.  In fact in a couple Florida months this tree’s canopy will be filled in once again.

Quick wiring

I wired a few branches in order to move them into the open space so that they can begin to fill in.  It won’t be long before I can post an updated shot of this much improved tree.

Category: Ficus Nerafolia | Tags: , , Comments off