• Sunday, January 21st, 2007

Okay, a few new changes. First the tree was repotted into a smaller pot, and it has changed the balance of the tree to the pot in a very good way. Also I felt that the foliage of the tree stood out too much like an umbrella, so I rewired the branches. If you compare it to the tree last January you will notice more ramification and that the branches are now closer to the truck. This should create a much more dramatic look when it buds out this spring. Just for the record it has already begun to do that. January 2007

Category: Bald Cypress Bunjin | Tags: ,
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One Response

  1. Dear Paul,

    I have working with bonsai of bald cypress and swampy cypress.
    My principal project is a cascate of Taxodium, you have see someone?