• Friday, December 31st, 2010

So last night I reviewed the pictures of my bald cypress and I still had some issues with it.  Namely the second top on the left and the large pot that I had the tree it.  The second top was competing for attention and really didn’t add anything.  So I went back to the Bonsai Bible, John Naka’s Bonsai Techniques I.  There it was on page 205 Figure 384.  It says “Do not select a tree that is divided at the upper part of the trunk.”  Can’t get much clearer than that.  The second top had to go.

The next challenge was to get this tree into a pot about half the size of the previous one.  I removed a lot of mass under the soil line, and some roots, but the tree should do well in this new pot.  The good news is that I can finally pick the tree up without hurting myself.

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