• Saturday, January 03rd, 2009

Nope, it’s not a baby, just a Bald Cypress that I have added to my collection.  Actually I purchased this collected tree last year from Mary Madison.  However it was in too large of a container and it needed another year to recover and develop roots.  Even though Bald Cypress do well as Bonsai, this is one type of tree that requires patience.  You can’t rush them or you will certainly lose them.

Bald Cypress rootball

Bald Cypress rootball

Here is the Cypress as I removed it from the nursery container.  The ball is huge and needed to be reduced quite a bit.

Trunk details
Trunk details
However here is the reason I bought the tree.  Look at the interest and age of that tree.  Amazing!
Bald Cypress Roots

Bald Cypress Roots

Not as developed as I would like.  However growing in the muck that it has been for the past two years it’s no wonder.  A year or two in my bonsai soil mix and we’ll have plenty of roots to deal with. 
Big trees need big pots

Big trees need big pots

Well the root system couldn’t be reduced as much as I liked, so I had to borrow a pot for the time being.  This one is a bit big, but after a year or two I should be able to get a pot that works with the tree and is smaller in size.
Initial planting - Bald Cypress

Initial planting - Bald Cypress

Certainly not the right pot for this tree, but it will do for the next couple of years while the roots grow stronger.  This year I need to work to develop the main trunk lead to create taper for the trunk.  Also I want to begin developing low main branching.  By next year I hope to have the basic structure defined.  Wish me luck. 

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